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BJIT Workshop on Research and Publication Held

Knowledge generation and dissemination are the main task of every knowledge-based institution is lead through publication. Publication experience of an author reflects the combination of his skills, knowledge, and experience on a particular discourse.

Former Deputy Dean at Faculty of Education in the University of Malaya and the faculty of Taylor’s University Professor Dr. Moses Samuel made these remarks while addressing his speech in a workshop (Online) titled “Publishing in Academic Journals and Epistemological Integration in Research” organized by Bangladesh Journal of Integrated Thoughts (BJIT) on 26th September 2020. BJIT is an interdisciplinary bilingual (English and Bangla) journal published by private think tank Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT) mainly aims to promote the idea of reconstruction and integration of knowledge. The workshop is organized as the part of BJIT’s efforts to contribute in capacity building for research and publication moderated by the executive editor of BJIT Dr. Ali Azgor Talukder.

More than hundred Academics and scholars have joined the international conference from many countries across the world including US, UK, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Nigeria, Uganda Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Professor Dr. Moses Samuel further said that there are some steps of publication including manuscript preparation, peer review process, decision and publicizing process after publication. He also said about the selection of journal and warned about the predatory journals.

Taking part in the Question and Answer session, he added that the rejection of an article by a journal is the part of publication. It always does not mean the poor quality of the piece of writing. Many journals have different styles, objectives, scopes, which considered in acceptance of an article. So the author should be passionate and rewrite the article after having a comment.

In another part of the conversation, Professor Dr. Mulyadhi Karatanegara from the State Islamic University of Zakarta talked on “Epistemological Integration in Research”. He said that there are some basic talks always debated among intellectuals like rejection of the empirical objects, rejection of the non-empirical scientific status and the rejection of the non-empirical source of knowledge. He then explained Islamic perspective towards empirical objects. There are two objects- physical and Non-Physical objects. The modern science argues always rejection of non-physical objects while Islam accepts both physical and non-physical objects. Modern accepts just empirical thought, but denies accepting non-empirical beliefs, truths and practices. But Islam accepts all with its comprehensive outlook.

Taking part in the Question and Answer session, Professor Dr. Mulyadhi Karatanegara added that merely a focus on physical object, ignoring psychological object would make imbalance and consequence over human being. So the epistemological integration is indispensable.

In an inaugural speech, Harvard Graduate and the Secretary General of IIIT (USA) Prof. Dr. Omar Hasan Kasule said that the Integration of knowledge is an idea to be spread, elaborate and clarified among the people. The publication is the best way of exchanging ideas and communication among intellectuals and knowledge dissemination.

In concluding remarks, the executive director of BIIT and the country representative of IIIT, Bangladesh said about the necessity of a platform where the intellectuals and scholars can explore their expertise on the integration of scientific exploration to values, morals and faiths. 
