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Chittagong Chapter of BIIT organizes friends and fellows get-together

Chittagong Chapter of BIIT organizes friends and fellows get-together

A get-together among friends and fellow members of Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT) was held at the conference hall of Parkview Hospital Limited in Chittagong on 19 December 2024. Chittagong Chapter of BIIT organizes friends and fellows get-together.

The program was presided over by Professor Dr. Abu Bakr Rafique Ahmed, Former Vice Chancellor, International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC) while Dr. M. Abdul Aziz, Director General of Bangladesh Institute of Islamic Thought (BIIT) was present as chief guest.

Among others, Professor Dr. Md. Enayet Ullah Patwary, Controller of Examination (Acting), University of Chittagong; Professor Dr. A. K. M. Abdul Quader, former Chairman of the Department of Arabic: Prof. Dr. Amin Muhammad Nasrulla, ex-chairman of Public Administration, University of Chittagong; Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mahbubur Rahman, Treasurer (In-Charge), International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC); A.M. Zia Habib Ahsan, Chittagong Judge Court; Engr. Sk.Md. Ehsanul Haque Chowdhury,Managing Director of Subashati Properties Limited; Md Abul Hosen, former EVP, IBBL were also present in the get-together.

More than 75 friends and fellows of the BIIT joined the program and ensured full cooperation with the BIIT. Dr. M. Abdul Aziz thanked the friends and fellows of the Chittagong Chapter of BIIT for their cooperation.
